Typical Mentality Of The Indian Society For Women/Girls

One annoying habit of Indians (especially Indian women) is that they judge every other person. Here is a list describing the typical mentality of Indian society for women.

1) If she applies makeup Fake
2) If she does not apply makeup ⇒ Behen ji
3) If she expresses all her emotions Drama Queen
4) If she does not show emotions Emotionless
5) If she wears expensive clothes ⇒ Showoff
6) If she does not wear expensive clothes Villager
7) If she has male friends ⇒ Characterless
8) If she does not have male friends Narrow Thinking
9) If she speaks up for herself, ⇒ She has got Attitude
10) If she does not speak up or can't take stand for herself  Dumb
11) If a woman is divorced  She has had a divorce and now lives at her parent's place, “she must be characterless."
12) She can't make a round chapati ⇒ Nobody will marry her
13) If she is tall ⇒  How will her parents search groom for her of her similar height?
14) If she is a housewife, ⇒ She is just a housewife and does nothing
15) If she wears shorts  Shameless (Dressing up for an occasion or showing some skin degrades a woman's character.)
16) 25 years and not married ⇒ She should be having some defect or a secret love affair.

The mentality at weddings:

17) If the Bride is fat/dark, ⇒ The guy is marrying her for money/dowry
SERIOUSLY? Aren't such people ashamed to make such shameful judgments?
Our only advice to girls/women who hear such nonsense is:
People will always discourage you from doing what you are good at because they can't ever imagine doing it themselves.
Ignore such hate. Keeping doing what you are good at and keep encouraging yourself.

Although it would be unfair to paint all Indians with the same brush. Every Indian is different from having different mindsets. This scenario is not only with Indian but all conservative societies. We do not believe in minding our own business.

Have you ever witnessed such comments? How do you handle the situation? Do share with us in the comment section.

Don't forget to share this article with your girl gang to encourage them.

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